2nd Extraraum partner meeting in Wiesbaden
At the second annual meeting on January 23rd, the Extraraum partners from all over Germany met in Wiesbaden in order to share their experiences and to work constructively on further development. In addition to numerous other topics, Extraraum's steering committee was reelected. Our own colleague, Laura Katharina Scholz, was also reelected - and we're very happy to be actively involved in the shaping of this great franchise!
Picture 1 (from left) shows the steering comittee together with the management team of DMG AG:
Melina Trautwein (DMG AG), Netti Krumbiegel (DMG AG), NEW - Arne Rossbach (Willi Rossbach Möbeltransporte), NEW - Uwe Mayer (Schweinsteiger Umzug & Logistik GmbH), Laura Katharina Scholz (Scholz Umzüge Möbelspedition GmbH), Eckhard Weber (DMG AG), Ingeborg Kohler (packsweg Bollinger / Kohler GbR), Peter Suhrbier ("Die 3" Transport- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH) was missing.
Picture 2:
The attending extra room partners.
For more information about Extraraum please visit: https://www.extraraum.de/